From Maizena to Extreme Makeover
By Freek Liebrand

I wonder what healing power is ascribed to ‘culture’ in urban renewal strategies. Since the 80s, the value of musea, events and shiny waterfront developments for urban regeneration grew to the attention of policymakers. Even in deprived neighbourhoods, culture is increasingly seen as an important tool for improvement. But is culture actually this wonder medicine? I plea for a wide interpretation of culture as a signifier and a value maker.
The biggest open-air museum of Dutch Masters
By Gerben Helleman

Near the centre of The Hague (Netherlands) lays the urban neighbourhood ‘Schilderswijk’ [Painters-district]. In the streets you can find the most beautiful paintings of Dutch Masters. For free and day and night!
Moody in NYC, Toronto and London
What do you do in a city when you feel naughty, hangover, energetic, romantic, sophisticated, chill, girly, manly or broke?
8 questions for Ino
Mediamatic is a cultural organization in Amsterdam. They organise exhibitions, presentations, workshops and much more. The site – -
21 per cent of all U.K. citizens are overweight
The inbetween-opera
Underground opera between autobahns.
CityPoem 95 - Zonnebeke
A combination of architecture and poetry on a new library in Zonnebeke, Belgium, to remember the Great War. A contribution by Jan Theuninck, artist fo
Paris-Delhi-Bombay - Tale of Three Cities
From May 2010, a new exhibition called 'Paris-Delhi-Bombay' will be traveling these three cities.
Romanian photos 2: Prejmer and Harman
Prejmer fortressThis is the second of a collection of 5photo-sessions in Romania. The other sessions will be published every monday in the coming week
Cities, cinema and civilisations; Margarita Ramon's thoughts on culture and cities
I do not like monster cities – i.e. New York, Tokyo, Mexico City, Calcutta…which are polluted, expensive, with no public transportation, and generate
Guerrilla Tactics
To strike with a small and informal group and quickly withdraw again, that's guerrilla warfare. This tactic is very appealing for culture strikes in c
"Argue" comes from "Agora" - Karin Peeters
"The word arguing (not war) comes from Agora. For me, this discussion represents lively cities."
Ice cream in Cologne
The cone might be haven been impossible to miss.